What Conditions Qualify For SSDI Benefits In California?
Common FAQs On Social Security Benefits For Disabled Employees In California
Many clients are unsure if they qualify to receive benefits under SSDI. Even if they have a condition that prevents them from working, the complexity and uncertainty surrounding the application process make it confusing.
You are strongly advised to speak with one of our prescreened California SSD attorneys if you are unsure about your eligibility.
You may be eligible for SSD income benefits if you meet specific criteria, such as:
Cerebral palsy
Multiple Sclerosis
Lyme Disease
Severe Anemia
Graves' Disease
Limb or Digit Amputation
Cardiac Disorders
Brain Injuries
There may be many more conditions that would make you eligible for benefits, so this is not an exhaustive list.
To increase your chances of having your application accepted in that case, you must present as much credible evidence as you can about your condition. If you're having trouble getting through with the evidence you have, consider the help of a prescreened California SSDI attorney.
Is There A Waiting Period For Social Security Disability Benefits In California?
Before you can start receiving benefits, there is a five-month waiting period. You will only be qualified for 12 months' worth of back benefits upon submitting your application after being determined disabled.
In other words, your benefits will start on the later dates listed above:
Five months after the date you were determined to be disabled
12 months before the date you submitted your application
That said, there might be other concerns with the application. Therefore, it's best to forward the questions about your unique case to our prescreened Social Security Disability Lawyers in California.
Is Every New Claim Rejected Upon Submission?
According to recent statistics, one in three claims is approved on the first application. These are not great odds, but the counsel and knowledge of an accomplished Los Angeles Social Security Lawyer can increase your chances of getting your claim approved the first time.
Do Disability Hearings Ensure Acceptance Of Applications?
The truth is that this cannot be supported statistically. Many claims are rejected by judges, and the likelihood that yours will be one of them largely depends on your specific judge's acceptance and rejection rates.
There is still no guarantee that your claim will be accepted, even though more than 50% of claims heard in SSD court are. So, consult your California Social Security Disability Lawyer to boost your chances.
Can I Claim SSD And Other Benefits At The Same Time In California?
Those eligible for both supplemental security income and social security disability may receive both benefits simultaneously. So, for example, you could be granted both types of income, even though this is not particularly common.
Additionally, you might be qualified to receive both SSD and workers' compensation benefits at once.
A prescreened California SSD lawyer can help you more accurately ascertain which programs you are eligible for and offer support for any applications you require.
Are Senior Employees The Only Ones Who Can Claim SSD Benefits In California?
There is no upper age limit for SSD benefits eligibility, and younger people frequently need fewer work credits to be qualified. In addition, if their working parent allows, disabled children may also be eligible for benefits.
Therefore, although older people make up the majority of SSD beneficiaries, you should not let that stop you from finding out if you qualify for the required benefits.
The boost your chances of claiming benefits, contact a prescreened California SSD lawyer to help you. They represent you in filing applications, advise you on what to do, and ensure you meet crucial deadlines.
Find The Best Social Security Disability Lawyer Near Me
1000Attorneys is California Bar Association Certified and can refer you to a fitting disability lawyer for social security in minutes. However, each case is unique, so you need someone best fit to aid, counsel, and represent you in California.
You may contact us through our 24/7 live chat (or complete our case details submission form) for a free initial consultation.