Types of Clients That Lawyers Always Want To Avoid
Things You Need To Know Before You Begin Your Attorney Search in California

There're a lot of misconceptions that lawyers will take any case from any client at any time because they are always money hungry. Nothing could be further from the truth; an experienced, great lawyer will screen his or her clients and avoid those who display some personality characteristics that signal trouble.
Before you begin your California attorney search, keep these tips in mind to help you increase your chances of finding the best lawyer for your legal case. The legal industry can sometimes be very stressful as it is; dealing with courts, deadlines, and managing a law practice are just some of the responsibilities of a lawyer.
Avoiding problem clients is always a priority for most California attorneys.
Having said that, these are the type of clients California lawyers always try to avoid:
The Angry
Someone with anger management problems is always a bad client; several reports show lawyers being the target of attacks by clients who take their frustrations on them.
Many people falsely believe that lawyers must help them with their legal issues regardless of their circumstances or ability to pay legal fees.
No, like any other type of professional relationship, there must be respect and cooperation between both parties. Lawyers can pick up these signs from the first contact (even by the way a client expresses him/herself in an email or intake form)
The Unhappy
Perhaps one of the most common clients lawyers ALWAYS avoid at all costs is someone who displays unhappiness with the rest of the world, employers, coworkers, family members, landlords, neighbors ...etc.
This is someone usually with many ongoing lawsuits against different individuals or businesses and has also hired/fired multiple lawyers. These individuals are very hard to please no matter what you do and will always find a way to cause trouble.
The "Looking For Revenge" Client
This is usually the same angry client; what's worse, this type of client is driven by revenge and with a false belief of irrational retribution. This type of client believes that a "dead man cannot talk" and usually will pursue their opponents driven by rage and anger. Clients driven by revenge are usually unsatisfied with a case's outcome unless it is what they believe it should be.
The "With Unreasonable Expectations" Client
Lawyers will help you ensure your rights are protected, and you get a fair outcome in a legal case. However, lawyers aren't magicians and cannot simply do what is demanded by a client who has unreasonable expectations.
These expectations could be:
About service
About time
About costs
About results
To avoid unreasonable expectations, make sure you review the list of questions and concerns with your lawyer BEFORE signing a retainer agreement. When all cards are on the table from day one, both you and your lawyer will have a clear path and understanding of how your case will progress in a reasonable manner in terms of performance and timelines.
The Inappropriate One
You'd be surprised to know how often a lawyer is approached with inappropriate alternate forms of payment for their legal services. One thing to remember is that great lawyers will never risk their license to practice law over inappropriate and unwanted suggestions by one of their clients.
The Rude Client
The rude client is the one who will always be annoying, pushy, and demanding. This is someone who will never be satisfied and will not appreciate the time and effort put forth by his or her lawyer.
Law practice involves representing people who made a mistake or are in trouble because of someone else wrongdoing, and as long as there's respect and cooperation, their relationship will be productive and constructive. Don't become your lawyer's nightmare; you'll get a lot more done by being nice to your lawyer and if you appreciate their work.