How To Find The Best Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Why work with the
California has the top position when it comes to motorcycle accidents in the world, with more than 800,000 registered motorcycles. A significant number of motorcycles in California are in Southern California.
California has the most roads listed in the Top 100 Motorcycle Roads'. The number of motorcycles on SoCal highways accounts for an inviting setting, spectacular views, and demanding rides.
So, let's talk about Motorcycle accidents, Motorcycle Accident Law, and California Personal Injury claims, as a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles will handle them.

It is unavoidable that California has more motorcycle accidents than any other state with so many motorcycles on the road. Devastating head and spinal injuries result from motorcycle collisions. Severe accidents often leave motorcycle riders crippled or suffering from permanent brain injuries that do not cause death.
Pre-screened and reputable Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney support people involved in motorcycle accidents and the families of victims killed in motorcycle accidents. Injury compensation can not recover life or guarantee the paraplegic can walk again. Still, it will increase the quality of a survivor's life or offset the revenue that would have contributed to his or her family from a deceased motorcyclist.
A motorcycle lawyer knows their way around the law and can help you preserve and build your case. Getting a Los Angeles Motorcycle Injury Lawyer is the best step to take after getting into an unfortunate accident.
Crash Figures for Motorcycles in Southern California
The most recent data available from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) in California say a sad tale about California motorcycle accidents. In 2013, over 11,780 California motorcycle riders were wounded in accidents. Over 480 of them were killed.
Many of the crashes occurred in Southern California counties that injured motorcyclists, including:
County of Orange 989
County of Riverside 627
County of Los Angeles 3.509
County of San Bernardino 525
County of San Diego 1,285
There were fewer deaths caused by motorcycle accidents in 2013, nationally, and in California than in 2012. A 6 percent decline from 2012 accounted for the 4,668 motorcyclist deaths across the United States. The decrease was closer to 13% in California, although statisticians attribute the decrease at least partly to unfavorable weather that held bikers off the path.
The total incidence of fatal motorcycle accidents rose last year across the nation from 2004 (4,028) to 2008 (5,312). In 2009, deaths fell dramatically (4,469) before starting another annual rise that lasted until 2012 (4,986).
Motorcycle accidents followed a different trend. From 2004 (76,000) to 2007 (103,000), the number of motorcycle riders injured increased annually. In 2008, the accident rate dropped (96,000) and continued to fall until 2011 (81,000) each year. In 2012, more riders were injured (93,000), while the number of injuries dropped (88,000) in 2013.
A comparison of motorcycle collisions to car accidents indicates that motorcycle riders are more at risk of serious injury or death when they take to the road than car drivers or passengers without the safety of a cage.' In 2013, per mile driven, motorcyclists were killed in collisions 26 times more frequently than passenger car passengers.
In California, in motorcycle accidents, riders and passengers between the ages of 25-34 were most frequently killed or wounded. The second age group most likely to be killed or injured was riders and passengers aged 15-24, followed (in order) by the 45-54, 35-44, and 55-64 age groups. Fourteen victims were 85 years of age or more.
Most of the 2013 accidents that injured a California motorcycle rider occurred from May to September, with more than 1,000 injuries occurring each month. The deadliest month was August. July and October were additional months of more than 50 fatal motorcycle crash in California.
Around 24 percent of motorcycle riders killed in California in 2013 had a 0.08 percent or greater concentration of blood alcohol (California's "safe limit"). That compares to a 28 percent nationwide average.
California's helmet law possibly explains why 90% of motorcycle riders killed in accidents in 2013 wore a helmet. Nationally, only 57% of motorcyclists who were involved in fatal accidents wore a helmet.
There was a valid license for most riders who were killed in California motorcycle accidents in 2013. Approximately 22% did not.
The highest fatality rates are associated with "Supersport" bikes. Fatalities, according to engine size, broke down in 2013 as follows:
Not surprisingly, studies show that the speed at which a motorcycle moves and the seriousness of the rider's injuries are associated. Studies also indicate that riders of larger bikes appear to be more seriously injured than riders of smaller bikes, but the pace of travel is possibly also linked to that figure.
A motorcycle accident lawyer knows all of these crucial facts and could help you get the compensation you deserve. With the help of a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Los Angeles, you'll be able to build a case for yourself
Causes of Motorcycle Crashes in California
The SWITRS data shows that when accidents are the responsibility of the motorcyclist, the key factors that lead to the accident are:
Unsafe velocity
Alcohol or use of drugs
Inappropriate turning
Driving on the wrong side
To refuse to yield
Curiously, the SWIRTS data does not record the key causes of motorcycle accidents responsible for the driver of another vehicle. We know, however, from the detailed Hurt Survey, from statistics collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and from a recent Florida study, that the driver of the other vehicle is almost always at fault for more than half of all motorcycle accidents involving another vehicle (and maybe as many as two-thirds).
Both of these reports conclude that the car driver's decision to make a left turn in front of an oncoming motorcycle is the most common cause of collisions between motorcycles and vehicles. The driver cannot yield what causes the collision, but when the motorcyclist hits the vehicle, the insurance industry twists the statistics to imply that negligent motorcyclists cause most accidents.
Hiring a pre-screened accident lawyer is paramount to your case's success. A good Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Los Angeles will work hard to counter the misleading impressions and derogatory prejudices that work against motorcyclists seeking equal compensation for their injuries. They understand that drivers who refuse to share the road with motorcycles are generally responsible for motorcycle accidents.
Motorcycle Accidents in California
Studies confirm that helmets and durable garments minimize the risk to riders and passengers when motorcycles crash. Sadly, no gear offers perfect protection against injury or death.
Typically, motorcyclists who die in crashes experience multiple injuries, making it hard to find a common cause of death. However, head and brain injuries are cited in about 30 percent of all deaths of motor riders.
The most frequently reported injuries when injured motorcyclists are admitted to a hospital for treatment are:
Injuries to legs and feet (including serious fractures and amputations)
Injuries to the head and brain
Internal damage to organs
Common causes of hospital admissions are blood loss, serious burns, and eye and facial injuries. When wounded motorcyclists are treated in the emergency room and released, arm and leg fractures, knee and foot injuries, and road rash are the most frequently recorded injuries.
California Motorcycle Crashes Compensation
So, what does the California Motorcycle Accident Law say about compensation and claims?
If a driver's negligence causes a motorcyclist's death, the surviving family members of the rider are entitled to seek compensation for the wrongful death of their loved one. The rider is entitled to claim compensation for such accidents when a motorcyclist is injured by a driver's carelessness, including replacement of lost wages, reimbursement of medical bills, and the cost of dealing with debilitating conditions. Injured motorcycle riders may also claim compensation for their pain, suffering, and mental anguish.
Getting a Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer is the best way to preserve your claims and get the compensation you deserve. They'll know what to do, which documents to file, and how to negotiate for your payouts.
How Do I Request An Unbiased Referral To A Pre-Screened, Ethical California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
You can submit a request online 24 hours a day. Free case review within 15 minutes.
By chat, you'll be connected with the best motorcycle accident lawyer within 5 minutes.
By calling the 24-hour lawyer referral hotline at 1-661-310-7999
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